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Studying with flashcards is a great way to learn and remember information effectively. In this blog post, we will explore why flashcards are a valuable tool for studying and how they can help you improve your learning outcomes. Below, you will find a list of flashcards to set with different topics to practice:

– Active Learning: Flashcards encourage active learning, which means you are actively involved in the learning process. Instead of just reading or listening, flashcards require you to think and recall information. This active engagement helps you remember the material better and understand it more deeply.

– Remembering Information: Flashcards are often used with a technique called “spaced repetition.” This technique involves reviewing information at intervals over time. It has been proven that reviewing information at spaced intervals helps us remember it better than studying all at once. Flashcards make it easy to implement spaced repetition and optimize your study schedule.

– Testing Your Memory: Using flashcards requires you to actively recall information from memory. This is a powerful learning strategy. By recalling information with flashcards, you reinforce your memory and improve long-term retention. It’s like testing yourself, and it helps you remember the material more effectively.

– Practice Makes Perfect: Using flashcards helps you practice retrieving information from memory. This is called retrieval practice. Regular retrieval practice has been shown to improve long-term retention and promote better understanding. By using flashcards, you engage in retrieval practice repeatedly, reinforcing your memory and deepening your knowledge.

Studying with flashcards offers numerous benefits for learning. They promote active learning, help you remember information better, improve time management, test your memory, allow for customization, offer convenience, and enhance your practice of retrieval. By incorporating flashcards into your study routine, you can make your learning more effective, enjoyable, and successful.

I like to use better apps on my smartphone to practice with flashcards because I can’t draw very well, and I like making my cards with images and audios, my favorite one is Anki (available for iOS (paid), Android (free) and Windows (free). It’s so simple yet so effective.  But I also tried Quizlet (available for iOS and Android.) and it has some awesome features like filling the words, or writing the answer.

Tips to make your flashcards

1. Use pictures or definitions, not translations

The best way to learn new words is to associate the words to something visual. This way you will remember the words faster. When it’s the first time you see that word you can look for the translations but don’t include the translation in your flashcards.
2. Don’t study words alone
Study the word with context. Write sentences using the word. As many sentences as you need.

3. Use audio with the pronunciation

It will be faster to learn to listen the words if you study them with their correct pronunciation. At you can search and download the pronunciation of many words.

FREE Flashcards to practice vocabulary

This is my selection of flashcards including several topics to practice some common vocabulary and grammar topics, good for all levels, just click and start practicing!:

Prepositions at, in, on

Verb to be

Irregular verbs in past participle

Irregular verbs in simple past

Job interview most common questions and answers